Honorary Consuls appointed to Estonia. (2023)
Members of the Honorary Consular Corps Estonia. (31.03.2023)
Countries appointed Honorary Consuls. (2023)
The Republic of Estonia was declared independent
The Estonian Declaration of Independence was prepared on the initiative of the Salvation Committee and read out to the public from the balcony of the Endla Theatre in Pärnu on 23 February 1918. The next day, on 24 February 1918, the Salvation Committee declared Estonia an independent democratic republic.
The coup d’etat was carried out in Estonia with the support of the Red Army
The incorporation of the Republic of Estonia into the Soviet Union began. The government of the Estonian SSR decided to eliminate all embassies, consulates and honorary consulates of Estonia and hand their assets over to the local representations of the USSR. All foreign ambassadors in Estonia were ordered to leave by 25 August.
The Supreme Council of the Republic of Estonia accepted the resolution on the national independence of Estonia
Estonia declared formal independence during the Soviet military coup attempt in Moscow, reconstituting the pre-1940 state.
The Republic of Estonia was restored on the basis of legal continuity.
August 20th is now a national holiday in Estonia, known as Restoration of Independence Day.
The Honorary Consular Corps Estonia was established.
The Estonian Honorary Consular Corps held its inaugural meeting in Tallinn. Aku Sorainen, the Honorary Consul of Malta in Estonia, announced the formation of the corps, aimed at fostering relations with Estonian authorities, organizations, and the business sector.
The elected board comprised of Aku Sorainen (Malta), Ain Lindre (Indonesia), Gunnar Kraft (Costa Rica), Even Tudeberg (Slovakia), and Enn Vels (Austria).
In 2008, Estonia hosted 27 honorary consuls, primarily representing countries without diplomatic missions in the nation.